A Very Vintage Holiday is Available in Stores and Online !
Here’s a partial list of retailers with books in stock and available now:
Barnes & Noble
Joann Stores
One Kings Lane
The Vermont Country Store Grafton, VT & Rockingham, VT
Sherman’s Maine Coast Bookstores All 9 locations
The Galaxy Bookshop Hardwick, VT
Bartleby’s Books & Music Wilmington, VT
Toadstool Bookshop Peterborough & Keene, NH
Brewster Book Store Brewster, MA
The Bookery Manchester, NH
An Unlikely Story Plainville, MA
Print: A Bookstore Portland, ME
Patti’s 1880’s Settlement Grand Rivers, KY
Letterpress Books Portland, ME
Northshire Books Saratoga Springs, NY and Manchester, VT
Novel Nashville, TN
Bank Square Books Mystic, CT
Anderson’s Bookshop Naperville, IL
Gibson’s Bookstore Concord, NH
Eight Cousins Falmouth, MA
Book Ends Winchester, MA
Buttonwood Books Cohasset, MA
Book Loft of German Village Columbus, OH
Gateway Shop o Rama Benton, KY
The Doylestown Bookshop Doylestown, PA
The Lahaska Bookshop Lahaska, PA
Bookshelf of Guelph Guelph, ON
Books on Beechwood Ottawa, ON
Librairie Moderne St. Jean Sur Rich, QC
Whitehots Aurora, ON
Biblairie Sherbrooke, QC
A Different Drummer Books Burlington, ON
Amazon UK